Those of you who have been looking to purchase land for awhile may have noticed a recent trend. Properties are selling! The old strategy of waiting the seller out is not working today. Buyers are out there and ready to buy. Many potential buyers who have been sitting on the fence, have found themselves locked out of their ‘dream property’ when they finally were ready to make an offer. Several of you who are reading this right now, have probably made an offer on a property only to find out that another offer has already been accepted. With a huge inventories of vacant land for sale and prices at record lows, it’s still an excellent time to
buy land. There are amazing properties available all over the country. And if you look hard enough, you can still find some really great deals. My advise is that when you finally do find that perfect parcel of land at a really good price, be prepared to pull the trigger or lose it to someone faster on the draw.