Going Mobile with QR Codes in your Land For Sale Business
The world is going mobile and whether you’re selling real estate or pizza, you need to consider mobile marketing when promoting your business. As the price of smart phones continues to drop, more and more users are accessing the Internet via their phones and they are doing more and more on these devices.
Currently, more than half of all Facebook updates are done on mobile devices not computers. Starbucks announced last week that they will begin accepting payment via smart phones. Asia and India have been paying for goods and services on their cell phones for some time now.
Another new hot mobile technology is QR codes. Those are the funny looking square bar codes that you see more and more of in ads and displays. Using a free mobile app QR reader, you can scan a QR code from your cellphone and receive a wealth of information downloaded to your device. Scanning a QR code from a business card may automatically update your phone’s contacts. Or scan the QR code at your local pizzaria and download their entire menu to your phone. Or scan my QR code to the left of this posting and automatically be sent to a marketing video of one of my premier wholesale properties.
This technology is going to be huge and now is the time to position yourself and your business to take advantage of these tools before your competition does.