“HAPPY TRAILS” 4.85 Happy Acres, Morris NY Otsego County, Mt views, D/W, Electric, Level & Wooded, RVs OK!! No town zoning. Only $21,900!
4.85 “HAPPY” Acres
Morris, NY, Otsego County
Mostly level terrain – Lightly wooded – Extended driveway – Several ideal home-sites – Electric on site – Sweeping Mt views – Frontage on well maintained road – No town zoning – RVs OK!!!
Only 3 hrs/NYC! Mins state land!
ONLY $21,900!!!
“HAPPY TRAILS” to you for generations to come. Offering 4.85 “HAPPY” acres located in the Town of Morris, NY in Otsego County. With 275 ft of road frontage on well maintained St Hwy 51. The property includes an extended driveway
from the road to the heart of the property. The property is mostly level with several possible building sites. Electric is on-site. No town zoning restrictions allows for agriculture, 1 fam, 2 fam, RVs, Yurts, Tiny House on Wheels, Shed, Garage and Barn and more. Fulltime RVs permitted.
Local attractions include Colonial Ridge Golf Course, Calhoun Creek State Forest, Ambler State Forest, Oneonta Municipal Airport, Cooperstown, Good Year Lake, Texas School House State Forest, Milford State Forest and Otsego County Fair where boating, fishing, hunting, biking, camping, horseback riding , hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling are offered. Only 3 hrs/NYC.
Only $21,900 cash discount!
Only $23,900 with owner financing
($7,000 down and $ 437 per month for 4 yrs).
Property Specs:
- 4.85 HAPPY Acres
- Located in Morris, NY, Otsego County
- 275 ft frontage on well maintained St Hwy 51
- Parcel is mostly level and lightly wooded
- Extended driveway front road to heart of property
- Several idle building sites available
- Cheap, cheap taxes only $400 per yr.
- Mins to Colonial Ridge Golf Course, Calhoun Creek State Forest, Ambler State Forest, Oneonta Municipal Airport, Cooperstown, Good Year Lake, Texas School House State Forest, Milford State Forest and Otsego County Fair
- Electric on site
- Sweeping mountain and valley views.
- No town zoning code means permitted uses include agriculture, 1 fam, 2 fam, multiple dwellings, RVs, Yurts, Tiny House on Wheels, Shed, Garage and Barn and more.
- SBL # 204.00-2-13.04
- GPS coordinates 42.565532, -75.211173
For more Info: Call Bruce Toll Free (888) LAND-005
Or visit our website at www.CheapUSland.com
Check out the video https://youtu.be/QOLi6IYWifc
Or check us out at: www.BuyAlotForAlittle.com
• DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein has been obtained through sources deemed reliable but cannot be guaranteed as to its accuracy. Any information of special interest should be obtained through independent verification.
Hi: It appears the neighbor has an easement across the property, that the driveway into the property is actually his. Is this the case? Thanks.
It is shared between us and him. Not sure if he actually has an easement. He never needed one because he used to own both pieces. He lost the piece with the driveway for non-payment of taxes. Better to have someone to share to maintenance (plowing) expense.
How can we move forward on this property
Call me 917 741-1207 (or email bruce@CHeapUSland.com) when you are ready to move forward. I will need your full name and address and whether it will be cash or finance for the Purchase Agreement
is this property still available?
Yes this property is available. I sent you more info. Thanks, Bruce
Is this still available?
Sorry but we recently accepted an offer on this property. I will keep you posted if it falls through.
Thanks for looking.
Is this property still available
Sorry but this property is under contract to sell.
Is this still available?
Hello Bruce! I am interested in this lot. Is it still available? I plan to buy a lot with the option of a loan from the owner. if this lot is sold, I am interested in buying a similar lot. Waiting for your reply and have a nice day.
Sent you more info. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Bruce
Interested, still available?
Sorry but this property is no longer available.