Walmart Grant Will Preserve 218,000 Acres of Wildlife Habitat

Acres for America Program Saves LandFor the past several years, Walmart has been subject to criticism by various groups and individuals. Critics have voiced concerns about the corporation’s foreign product sourcing, treatment of product suppliers and environmental practices. Many believe that the corporation’s  lower prices draw customers away from other smaller businesses, thus hurting the community.

While all of these critics may have valid points regarding Walmarts business practices, not many can argue about Walmart’s program to help save America’s Wildlife Habitat with their Acres for America program. Read below:

BENTONVILLE, Ark., Dec. 9, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — Walmart’s Acres for America program is helping preserve an additional 218,000 acres in four states this year for critical wildlife habitat, recreation and to maintain a sustainable forestry operation.  During its first five years, Acres for America has helped preserve more than 625,000 acres in 15 states – far exceeding the program’s original 10-year goal of 138,000 acres.

For the whole story: PR Newswire
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