Do Your Due Diligence – How to research a property for FREE using county websites.
Buying vacant land is a big deal. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Buying the right piece of land takes effort. A lot of factors go into making the right decision: Does it have proper road access? Is there electric nearby? Can it sustain a well & septic system? What can I build on it? Can I place my RV there?
Most people selling land today are honest and have good intentions, whether it be a realtor/broker or the landowner himself. Most will provide you with basic information about the property. Sometimes the person providing the information is misinformed or sometimes they are looking to sell a lemon. Here’s my advice, “Any information of special interest to you, should be obtained through independent verification.” In other words, don’t trust anyone. It’s your job to verify all important information about the property.
Over the next couple of weeks, I will walk you through researching a property. You will learn how to get detailed information about the parcel, you will learn how to do your own title search and I will show you the tools that I use to do in depth research on all my properties. Knowledge is power.
Today, I’m going the show you how to get a treasure trove of information about your property from the county’s own website. The best part is that it’s all FREE! Most counties today offer easy online access to real property information. If you are looking for property in NY, use this link to select your county.
Check out the video below to learn how to research your property.