A Gift Of Survival

Bruce cartoon out1I would like to thank all of my subscribers for opting in to be notified when new, unique discounted properties become available. You are the heart of my business and for that I am very grateful. I would like to make sure that you are around for many years to come. To ensure your longevity and to show my appreciation , I would like to give you the gift of life, FREE!

Life is full of adversity and in order to overcome adversity, we must be prepared. I have put together a comprehensive group of survival guides that will help you survive in the most adverse conditions. This is my gift to you. You may either right click on each link below and save the file to your computer or click of the link and print it for future reference.

Here’s to survival of the most prepared

How To Build A Primitive Shelter

Fire Making

Survival Food Procurement

FEMA Emergency Food preparation

Emergency Water Purification

How To Build A Survival Shelter

Army Survival Kit Cold Climate

Army Survival Kit Hot Climate

First Aid

How To Avoid Getting Lost

Cooking On AN Open Fire







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Hi, interested in this property. Can you send more information to me? Thanks, S
If & when you are ready to move forward, I will need your full name(s) and address for the Purchase Agreement and whether you are lo
I did not find a survey on file
Yes would like to move forward. Do you have a current survey?
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